Verona Figure
Publisher: Cierre Grafica, Cierre Edizioni, Verona
Introduction by Roger Conover

Price: $75


Published Books

Artist Statement

A collection of Sandro’s personal works exhibited in 2002-2003 for Centro Internazionale di Fotografia Scavi Scaligeri, Cortile del Tribunale. Once in a great while an athlete emerges woos instints are so tuned to the game he plays and whose every move is executed with such precision that we are spellbound before his performances . we call such an athlete a natural, and whether he holds a baseball bat, a tennis racket, or a sword, he expresses his gifts through these instruments as gracefully as if they were extensions of his owen body. Even more rarely , a photographer entered the arena who is worthy of hat same epithet. The camera becomes an extension of his eyes and brain, and the work trans-fixes us with its power. Sandro is that rarest of players in the photography game –a natural. This book is a testa-ment to his gifts, an to the many one-on-one moments that he wins. Roger L. Conover Executive Editor – Art, Architecture, and Cultural Studies, The MIT Press

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